Fund Two

We've just closed our oversubscribed second fund at €320m!

May 14, 2024

We're incredibly excited to announce the final close of our second fund – a massive €320 million! This surpasses our initial target and makes it the biggest early-stage generalist impact VC fund in Europe. We're humbled by the support and thrilled to take this giant leap forward in our mission.

Why we're here

Norrsken was born out of the belief that entrepreneurs tackling global issues are vital to building a better future. Our General Partner, Niklas Adalberth, co-founder of Klarna, envisioned a non-profit ecosystem connecting founders with the resources they needed to make saving the world their business. Today, Norrsken VC stands as a testament to that vision, fueled by the unwavering belief that impact and financial returns can go hand in hand.

Why impact investing matters (more than ever)

The world faces immense challenges, from climate change and healthcare disparities to energy inefficiencies. But these aren't burdens – they're opportunities. By investing in businesses that address them head-on, we believe we can create positive change while generating strong financial returns. As Larry Fink of Blackrock said, 'the next 1,000 unicorns will be sustainable, scalable innovators…' We strongly believe companies with a social or environmental purpose can outperform traditional investments, leading to a healthier planet, a more just society, and positive returns for all.

Linnea Kornehed and Robert Falck, co-founders of the electric and autonomous shipping company, Einride.

Building resilience + unlocking innovation

Companies with a clear mission have shown greater resilience during economic downturns. Their purpose fuels passion and drives innovative solutions, even in tough times. Herein lies true innovation: We're convinced the next generation of successful companies will be businesses tackling the world's most pressing issues and doing so by producing truly game-changing tech and solutions for the future of people and planet. These companies are essential and exciting, and we hope that by backing these top-tier founders early, we can unlock outsized innovation.

The Norrsken VC team at work.

Fostering a thriving impact ecosystem

Systemic change requires a collective effort. We want as many investors in this space as possible! Here's how we're building a thriving impact investing ecosystem:

  • Knowledge is power, but sharing is stronger: We advocate for open-source knowledge sharing. Find our resources here to accelerate the growth of impactful businesses.
  • Bridging the Gap for Impact: We bridge the gap between impact-driven investors and those seeking financial returns alongside social and environmental impact, fostering a collaborative ecosystem where everyone benefits.
Our fund news shared on the Nasdaq MarketSite in Times Square, New York City.

Founder-First. Always.

Ultimately, we're not the main character – it's all about the founders. We focus on finding, attracting, and backing the most inspiring leaders building the future—the sorts of founders who get to choose their investors – not the other way around. Our SFDR Article 9 status (otherwise known as being a "dark green" fund) means we will continue working with these leaders to define, measure and scale their company's impact KPIs. If we can support them on their journey, we hope they can inspire a new generation to follow in their footsteps.

Tessa Clarke and Saasha Celestial-One, co-founders of the peer-to-peer sharing app combatting waste, OLIO.

A drop in the ocean

We're grateful for the interest in our new fund, especially considering the recent 'VC winter' that's impacted the tech industry. Society's growing awareness of critical issues like reduced crop yields, crumbling biodiversity, and climate change is crucial to this success. These massive problems present tremendous opportunities – for companies striving to make a positive impact, generate jobs, and drive financial returns. We're honoured to have strong institutional investors on this journey with us.

The Norrsken VC team lost in the woods during a company offsite.

However, only 1% of global assets are directed towards impact investing. This is unacceptable. Our ultimate vision is for every dollar invested to be net positive for people and planet. This new fund is a significant step, but we have a long way to go. We'll use this capital to prove that impact investing is the asset class for all investors, not just because it's financially sound but because it's the future our world deserves.

Curious to meet the companies making a difference? Get to know our portfolio.

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